WE'RE LIVE! During Coronapocalypse! Who on earth would be bold enough to launch a business during these times? Us. Definitely.
Our goal is to help companies stay connected with their employees, teams, and clients with thoughtful gifts that lend to fun, engaging experiences. Now, more than ever, it's important for companies to maintain connection and cohesion with their employees now working remotely. COVID-19 has forced us all into new and unfamiliar territory. Our work habits have completely changed. The lack of physical connection is already proving quite challenging for many employees. GiftSuite is a low-cost, high ROI solution to help companies stay connected with their employees and teams and encourage connection with one another by sharing in experiences centered around the boxes we've curated.
Additionally, maintaining contact with clients and prospects is a way to keep conversations "warm" and humanize a situation that is negatively affecting everyone in business at the moment. GiftSuite is a perfect way to keep the ball rolling even when everything feels like it's at a complete stop.
We're excited to launch GiftSuite and sincerely hope to have a positive impact on the morale and culture of companies across the nation. For information on our curated boxes and gifting experience initiatives please contact us at hello@giftsuite.com