All you need to access safe drinking water anywhere in the world. CrazyCap uses advanced deep UV sterilization so water from any source is safe to drink in as little as 60 seconds. Perfect for hiking, traveling, or a day at the office. Plus, it can even sterilize any surface around you: cutlery in a restaurant, a shared workspace, or desk computer.
Logo customization available.
From The Crazy Cap Founder: People ask me every day: ‘You are solving some serious global challenges. Why the childish name?’ I come from the medical community, where I noticed that the scary terminology of disease, diagnosis, and medication negatively affects clients on the subconscious level. They always think they are dealing with an Everest issue. With CrazyCap, I wanted to shock people into joy and understanding. So I chose a name every child can pronounce. After all, our mission saves children all over the globe.